Here is the real voices from my students and parents.
I didn’t ask them to write me sweet words ….. this is just what they wrote to me 😁
Parents Voice
More detailed words from parents
so this time I’ve asked some parents to write about my lessons 🙂
Marc, a father to a 7 year-old Danish girl that I’ve been teaching. for … almost a year!
Vores 7-ĂĄrige datter har med stor glæde deltaget i gruppeundervisning i manga-tegning hver uge hos Koko. Koko er en fantastisk underviser, der ikke blot formĂĄr at fostre børnenes kreativitet, opmuntre og motivere dem, samt lære dem om manga-kunstens centrale elementer, men som ogsĂĄ formĂĄr at lære børnene ting om japansk kunst og kultur undervejs. Vi er sĂĄ glade for, at vi har opdaget Koko’s tegneklub, og vi glæder os til at se, hvad hun og børnene vil opnĂĄ sammen over de næste mange ĂĄr.
For a long time our 7-year old daughter has participated in weekly manga-drawing group sessions at Koko’s with the utmost joy. Koko is a fantastic teacher, who not only manages to foster the creativity of her pupils, encourage and motivate them, and teach them the key elements of the manga drawing style; she somehow also manages to teach the children about the fascinating aspects of japanese art and culture as they go along. We are so thankful that we have discovered Koko’s Manga Drawing Club, and we look forward to discovering what Koko and her pupils will accomplish together over the next coming years.
Ella, mother of 2 kids –
Mine to børn er rigtig glade for at tegne med Koko. Hun skaber et kreativt og udfordrende læringsmiljø, som støtter dem i deres nysgerrighed. De afprøver forskellige tegne- og farveteknikker, og de får på den måde mulighed for at fokusere på den kreative proces snarere end det endelige produkt. Vores varmeste anbefalinger 🙂
Student’s Voice
Employer’s Voice
Koko Kimura
Koko has been hired by Viden Djurs to teach at Manga Camp. Manga Camp is
a holiday activity for young people aged 13-18, from all over the country, with
10-15 participants each camp. The camp is a drawing course that focuses on a
common interest in Japanese popular culture, including manga and anime.
Koko has been a very pleasant acquaintance, she is very committed and
has performed its tasks really well and has thus been an important factor for
the success of the camp. Koko is creative, drawing-technically skilled and al-
ways well-prepared.
Koko has been responsible for devising and teaching the traditional part of
drawing the course and this part has each time been incredibly accomplished
and had an extremely positive reception from the participants. Koko knows
how to vary the teaching material in a way that both makes it possible for be-
ginners to follow and for participants who have been at the camp repeatedly, to
learn something new and feel challenged.
Koko has been good at meeting the participating students at eye level and
organizing her teaching to the individual student’s needs and wishes. This
includes, among other things, that Koko has been good at using its resources
to make sure that all students feel included in teaching, this includes students
with special challenges. Koko has also been good at adapting her teaching to
the special conditions that have been under Corona.
Best regards
Ida Marie Hvitved Knudsen
Event organizer
tlf. +45 2083 5331